
Friday, January 5, 2018


may I see as 
bee (to sting) 
for the proper run
down the good

tip supposed  
showing as they 
never been 

.... ,. ok.......................  
I see this hole 
proper sense 
in between the utmost 

sincerity of all  
self life 
To be as proper 
feel and show

all great


Wednesday, November 12, 2014


It's no way of gaining
we see and say our way

He runs and hides because he can
He does and when too

Following whiplash orders
acting as nonsense as a common disorder

Hostile, Deniable... consumed


Tuesday, November 11, 2014


Usually we see beauty in moments un expected and
timing seems to be half way confusing or advanced.

Creating a mirage of passion and friendship that seems to be eternal,
well known by simply the passing of seconds between one another.

Hesitation and doubt step in as a protector just as sincere as the
smiles and glances that cross by the caressing air in between one another.

Timing may be off but the moment is eternal, for now and forever we
shall wait and glance at the caressing air of passing seconds.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Lazy Man by alfonz

Why do you try to indulge us Lazy Man

Offering us heavy shoulders as a slouch


Why do you sale us super power eye sight

So we can spot comfortable chairs and ultra

Soft relaxing sofas Lazy Man

Why Lazy Man won’t I finnish what has to be said

Yelling over hill tops of mountain cities or

In just few taps of my electric paper

Why Lazy Man do you make us lick our tummies

Drink our fat until we have nothing left but

Wrapper clothing

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Farewell to Moog's Little Phatty Synth

As years pass and change so do great and groundbreaking individuals and their creations. This is a small farewell to legendary Bob Moog's creation the "Little Phatty"

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Show me the Future Vol 2

Some love from bandcamp

Bob Moog Foundation and BMF

BMF Board President Bryan Bell Responds to Ileana Grams-Moog

An Open Letter from Bryan Bell, President of the Board of Directors, The Bob Moog Foundation
The past three weeks have been hard ones for the children of Bob Moog and the staff, board and friends of the Bob Moog Foundation (BMF). As President of the BMF Board of Directors, I am profoundly disappointed in Dr. Ileana Grams-Moog’s decision to withdraw her support for the BMF, a not-for-profit organization devoted to perpetuating Bob’s love of music and innovation, the manner in which she chose to do it, and her exclusion of key facts.
I knew Bob well. We were colleagues and friends for more than 30 years. During that time, we collaborated on projects and solved problems that changed the way music is made. I serve on the BMF board because it is the truest representation of Bob’s legacy. That is why I also know how sad it would make him to see what is happening in his name, and why we should all be asking Ileana a few questions.
What’s behind the sudden decision to take the archives away from the BMF?
  • On Feb. 14, 2013, after 18 months of personally and directly negotiating with Ileana, we agreed upon the BMF’s temporary custody of the archives and management of Bob’s Rights of Publicity (his name, image, signature, and voice). This was the first step towards a much larger agreement between us. In the words of the interim agreement, we were working “together in good faith to define and execute a mutually satisfactory [larger] Agreement as rapidly as possible,” or so I thought.
  • Suddenly, on February 25, Ileana notified me that she would not sign the interim agreement, based on information she had received from Moog Music President Mike Adams. (Note:  Mr. Adams was a BMF board member at the time these discussions took place.) The BMF quickly addressed Ileana’s concerns in writing, concerns that she never voiced to me as the BMF board president and concerns that were later proven to have no basis in fact.
  • Why was there no consultation with Bob’s children about the future of their father’s archives and his Rights of Publicity?

What about money?
  • We all agree that Bob’s legacy is priceless, but his share of Moog Music and his Rights of Publicity have price tags. Because Ileana has chosen to publically disclose the BMF’s offer to purchase the archives, I challenge her to disclose the detailed terms, both financially and legally, of her sale of Bob’s share of Moog Music and her sale of Bob’s Rights of Publicity to Mike Adams.
  • Was there a financial contribution to Cornell from Moog Music regarding the archives? Will Moog Music, for example, have access to the Cornell Archives for their commercial purposes? Will the Bob Moog Foundation and Bob’s children have access to the archives for their own use? 

Has The BMF been a good steward of Bob’s archives?
  • The answer is an unequivocal YES. For seven years The BMF has consistently acted in the best interest of Bob’s legacy, rescuing his archives from moisture, dirt and mildew; storing the archives in secure climate controlled storage; entering into a lease with the N.C. Department of Cultural Resources to secure state-of-the-art archival facilities in Western N.C.; and making the difficult but prudent decision to defer a capital campaign to fund building of the Moogseum.
  • Ileana has said that her decision to move the archives was based, in part, on the fact that construction has not started on The Moogseum, the eventual Asheville home for Bob’s archives. At no time did she ever communicate that requirement to the BMF Board or me. Furthermore, during her tenure as president of the BMF Board, Ileana personally oversaw the decision to postpone the Moogseum’s capital campaign until the economy recovered from the nation’s worst financial crisis since the Great Depression. The economy aside, great museums take a long time to build. The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, for example, took 16 years to plan before breaking ground.

The BMF’s leadership, board and staff have intentionally stayed above the fray, and we encourage our supporters to do the same. Ileana’s decision to move the archives, which was announced in a press release written and distributed by Moog Music’s public relations firm and posted on Moog Music’s website, has unleashed negative comments, many of which raise questions about the role Mike Adams and Moog Music played in Ileana’s sudden change of heart. The BMF has chosen to take the high road, and we will continue to do so, despite many inaccurate comments from Ileana and Mike Adams. That’s what Bob would expect of us. But Ileana’s decision and its timing, the wording of the announcement and the secrecy surrounding its release raise troubling questions about whose interests are really being served by Ileana’s actions.
As for The BMF, we will continue to do what we do best – inspiring and igniting creativity through historic preservation of the Bob Moog Foundation Archives and creating programs like Dr. Bob’s Sound School, that introduce children to the power of music, science and innovation. Nothing would have made Bob happier or prouder.
(Trademarks referred to in this letter are the property of their respective owners)
Bryan Bell, President
Bob Moog Foundation Board of Directors
Bryan Bell is President and Founder of Synth-Bank Consulting, LLC (Synth-Bank®) a technology practice focusing on using technology to enhance business and creative processes. Bryan spent 20 years consulting and pioneering technology innovation for high-profile corporations and entertainers, including Apple, Domain Chandon, NBC, GEIS, Herbie Hancock, Carlos Santana, Neil Young, Branford Marsalis and INXS. He has served continuously for over 20 years on the board of directors of The Bridge School. Bryan holds a DIS from Harvard University’s Graduate School of Business Administration and has been a speaker at conferences around the world. Bryan Bell’s latest music production project, “Duality”, by Nestler and Hawtin was recently released on iTunes.

Articale taken from

Sunday, August 11, 2013

El Show de Dodó

Es un espectáculo creado por los músicos; Luca Frasca y Marina Sorín.
La puesta en escena del espectáculo es teatral, nos remite al cabaret, ya que tanto la escenografía y la interpretación de los músicos, como la música en sí, destilan el efecto de cabaret antiguo; de ensueño, fantasía y humor.

La Historia:
Hace dos años, estos dos amigos, decidieron ponerse en marcha y componer los temas del primer álbum de "El Show de Dodó". Para lo cual, se rodearon de amigos y colaboradores que contagiados por la energía del proyecto, grabaron los diez temas del disco.
Nacho Mastretta es uno de estos músicos, que poco a poco se ha convertido en un colaborador fijo y acompaña en directo a Marina Sorin y Luca Frasca. Luego se sumaron Coque Snatos y Martín Bruhn.

La formación son cuatro músicos multiinstrumentistas:
Marina Sorin: Violoncello, violín trompeta y voces.
Luca Frasca: Piano, Acordeón, percusión y voces.
Nacho Mastretta: Clarinete, acordeón, piano, armónica y voces.
Martín Bruhn o Coque Santos: Batería, percusión y voces.
El concepto del espectáculo viene marcado por el cabaret.
"De la mano de los cuatro músicos-clowns y su música inspirada en el cine mudo, el rag-time o la canción tradicional, el espectador es transportado a un mundo fantástico y surreal donde también es invitado a participar a través de una música añeja y contagiosa."

Monday, July 29, 2013



Orchestra Plays 'Carmen' Without Going Over 43 Decibels

Electrolux's new vacuum is so quiet, you can barely hear it. The brand's "ergothree" line doesn't rise above 43 decibels -- but what does that mean? To demonstrate, TBWA Hakuhodo set up a concert called "43dB Symphony," featuring an orchestra led by a sensitive conductor who had right in front of him a sound level meter. If the sound levels went up -- either because of an overzealous member of the orchestra or the audience -- they got rewarded with a stern look by the conductor.
The orchestra played "Carmen" without going over 43dB, a track that usually exceeds 90dB when performed.
We've seen a concert as the setting for brand creativity in the past -- notably by BNP Paribas, which introduced a mobile-only bank with a mobile orchestra, as well as Unilever's Cream Silk, which tested the strength of hair washed with the product by making violins out of it.
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Post from:

Monday, June 10, 2013

EU Turkey Global Bridge Building Initiative 2013

It seems as this initiative to begin helping the Euro Zone is not welcome. I feel deeply related with the Turkish community and there protest against the mall construction. Here in our Island of the last colony we seem to have forgotten the effects of un thought construction. We simply oblige to whatever is done and have no thought other than what is convenient as a consumer and not as a market vendor. These types of protest will rise in the future in different parts of the world as capitalism will continue to introduce themselves in to there lives. We must always remember our local merchants are our neighbors, friends, relatives and land. It is up to us to maintain the money flowing incentive beasts from stealing what is ours. They do not make a better economy for a nation, they make a better economy for themselves. We as a mass must begin to demand better construction plans for the sake of our local economic future.


HAYIR deyin, alışveriş merkezi

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Soul Jazz Records presents Mirror to The Soul

Over two years in the making, Mirror to the Soul is a new documentary film about the Caribbean, a unique collaboration between Soul Jazz Records and British Pathé, made up entirely of newsreel footage filmed during the period 1922-1970.

Saturday, May 18, 2013


Un camino estable que provoca desiquilibrio en mi alma creativo. Así se siente llegar a la edad de aquellos que mueren y son recordados. Siempre he dividido mi tiempo y edad en conteos comparados con aquellos que comenzaron a crear con mis exactos años de vida, pensando lo mucho que ellos han hecho y lo que yo hubiese podido hacer si  mi agenda hubiese sido distinta en algún momento. Alomejor esa noche que si decdí salir a la fiesta en los Nueva Yores y me encontraba con esa persona que me cambiaría el paso, en vez de quedarme con mis actividades recrecionales  usuales en el mismo zumbido.

Ya mucho no hace sentido al transcurrir el tiempo, por que todo lo que se ha hecho es digno de respeto y de ser recordado atraves de un gesto. No hay más nada que las de hacer que no sea lo que a uno le guste, ahora dividirlo entre lo que a uno le guste con emoción y elocuencia es otro cuento. Al fin lo importante es que se haga con seriedad en la mente y felicidad en el corazón, para así no turbarse de ese momento palpitante.

Arte por KOD 3000

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Flujo Vehicular

No hay más nada que buscar con el principio del fin de nuestro querido barrio, Santurce. Desde que llegué a área metro en la Uni decidí en ese momento que aquí es que es. No voy pa ningún otro lado decía yo con mucha seguridad. Ahora dudo que pasará con mis tiendas, mi farmacia, mi plaza de mercado, mi Santurce. 

Todo debido a que nuestro querido país decide beneficiar al mejor comprador, aunque sea poco lo que compren. Sip, es correcto hablo de la mega tienda WAL-Mart. Ese antro de todo lo tiene a precios de gangas. Un mal en nuestra sociedad mundial, creando el capitalismo a diestra y siniestra, marginando al pueblo y al comerciante independiente del progreso. 

Yo en mis planes sociales y anarquista he decido evitar estos lugares que manipulan a los compradores con su publicidad subliminal, convenciendo los de que "esta es mi tienda favorita"..como me dijo mi abuela cuando la acompañe de compras en Cayey. Aveces tenemos que saber hacer lo justo para la sociedad y para el país, la vida se basa en sacrificio y aveces no es tan mal el sacrificio. Apoyarnos es parte de la humanidad. 

Propongo un apoyo masivo de nuestra  parte, no es no ir a la mega tienda, sino pensar mejor si en realidad queremos pasear por tres horas para comprar un rollo de papel sanitario. Para mi no hay nada más gratificante que ir a tu tienda de la esquina y que conozcan su nombre y te pregunten como esta todo. 

Inspirado por mi coraje y este reportaje: "Walmart en Santurce el fin del barrio como lo conocemos"

Para saber más sobre su "tienda Favorita" vayan a Walmart Watch

Ryoji Ikeda DATA.SCAN [Nº1-9]

His work is described as focusing on “the essential characteristics of sound itself and that of visuals as light, by means of both mathematical precision and mathematical aesthetics. He elaborately orchestrates sound, visuals, materials, physical phenomena and mathematical notions into immersive live performances and installations.

data.scan [nº1-9] - Ryoji Ikeda from stichting MU on Vimeo.

Kingyo Kingdom

Revital Cohen and Tuur Van Balen are London based Designers and Artists that work together under the name Cohen Van Balen
This week’s pick is Cohen Van Balen’s film ‘Kingyo Kingdom‘, a documentary on the selective breeding of Ranchu Fish. 

Kingyo Kingdom - preview from COHEN VAN BALEN on Vimeo.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


I'm always impressed when ever I hear great composed electronic Music. I feel as those tracks that simply sound minimal and intricate, is our future salvation agains't mainstream bass driven pop. I highly recommend you coleccionistas to get yourselves a hold of "The Present Tense" EP and Double check on Houndstooth.. Call Super is one to be heard loud and clear.

“With every record I sit and write through process. Frankly it’s much like painting. Depending on that process and my mood, things come out a certain way. The present thing is to do with how I feel we live now, and my response to that. It’s to do with being in this permanent kaleidoscope of influence, with so many things bouncing off one another and distance being compressed to nothing and that leading to one being bombarded with everything one wishes for culturally. I don't feel retro, or futuristic, or anything because of that. Because of that I feel lost in the present and that’s wonderful.” - Call Super

Alfonz is ready for Take Off

Early up in this year I have been busy executing future plans and Ideas for a solid Alfonz exhibit during 2013, these doodles are just the beginning of what is to be....."ALFONZ VIVE"

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Evil Lurking EP by Pyroz Playground

Second Time around on E music Pyroz Playground brings us some bass drum hopping melodies with his signature dose of evil beauty.  Make it a for sure on your wish list, these beats will be jamming all along the east coast down to the sunny tropics of  the caribbean.